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Take part in our healthcare survey 

Share your experiences of using NHS services to help us demonstrate to the Government and NHS providers how they can better meet the communication needs of our communities.

Communication tips for health and social care professionals

There are at least 18 million people in the UK with hearing loss, including an estimated 900,000 with severe or profound hearing loss.  RNID’s ‘It does matter’ report found that 72% of BSL users, 43% of deaf people and 24% of people with hearing loss have  experienced negative attitudes and behaviours from medical staff over the last year.  Good communication for deaf people and people with hearing loss is key to ensuring that they can fully understand what they are being...

Access to health and social care

Find out what health and social care services must do to make sure NHS services are accessible to people with disabilities and sensory loss across the UK, and what to do if your communication needs aren’t met. Healthcare professionals can find guidance on how to meet the needs and rights of their service users at the bottom of this page. Your rights Under the Equality Act 2010, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in Northern Ireland, people who are deaf or have hearing...

Support for health and social care professionals

Learn more about information and guidance on how to make your services more accessible and how to meet your legal requirements. You can also find out how RNID can help with support, training and equipment.

Access to Health in Northern Ireland

If you live in Northern Ireland, find out what you can do to make your GP surgery more accessible for deaf people and those with hearing loss. Do you find it difficult to book an appointment with your GP over the phone? Ever missed your name being called in the waiting room – or left your GP appointment feeling unclear about your health advice? You’re not alone. Despite the introduction of guidance for GP practices in 2014 on how to make...

People with deafness and hearing loss still don’t enjoy full access to healthcare

19 March 2018 A new report by charity RNID in Northern Ireland entitled Good Practice? has found that people with deafness and hearing loss still don’t enjoy equality of access to healthcare. Despite guidance being issued to all GP practices 3 years ago by the Health and Social Care Board, which gave practical advice on how to make healthcare services more accessible for people with hearing loss and / or sight loss, the report has found that many GP surgeries are...

Over-the-counter hearing aids

Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are devices with hearing aid features that you can buy without them being prescribed by a hearing health professional (audiologist).

Tinnitus Week 2025

This Tinnitus Week, we're shining a light on the experiences and needs of people with tinnitus, the support RNID can offer and how you can help us find a cure.
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