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Face coverings: how the regulations apply to you

Page last reviewed: 25 March 2022 Find out what the face covering regulations mean for you and what we're calling on the government to do. On this page you can find out: who does not have to wear a face covering and when people are allowed to lower their face covering how to wear a face covering with a hearing aid or cochlear implant our position on clear face coverings what we’re calling for government, employers and service providers to do as restrictions are lifted. Since...

Good nursing practice Q&A

To help you improve the care of your patients with hearing loss, we've provided answers to some of the questions you may have.

Guidance for residential care homes

Deafness and hearing loss shouldn’t stop older people living well in residential care homes. Our guide provides practical tips and advice for care staff on improving the quality of care for older people who are deaf or have hearing loss. More than two-thirds of older people have hearing loss. Unaddressed, it can lead to social isolation and an increased risk of other health problems, such as depression and dementia. There's good evidence that hearing aids can reduce these risks, but...

Guidance for hospitals and emergency care services

It's vital that people who are deaf or have hearing loss can access urgent and emergency care services and receive the same quality of care as everyone else. Here's our practical advice for making your services more accessible. Under the Equality Act 2010 (and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in Northern Ireland), people who are deaf or have hearing loss have the right to expect reasonable adjustments to be made if they face substantial difficulties accessing NHS services. NHS guidance and quality...
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