Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID


Help increase our gifts in Wills impact

Share your thoughts

Help us develop our gifts in Wills programme by taking our survey. It’ll only take 8 minutes and will make a huge difference for our communities.

Have you been inspired to leave a legacy with us? If not, what can we do better?

Gifts in Wills funds over two-thirds of our income at RNID. Help improve the lives of deaf people, and people with hearing loss and tinnitus, by sharing your feedback.

How we use gifts in Wills

“I hope this research will lead both to new tests… and new strategies for improving communication. Without RNID’s support, this work would simply not be possible.”

Professor Jason Warren, University of College, London, funded by RNID’s research programme. Read more about our hearing research projects.

Jason Warren

Help us do more

Our feedback survey takes only 8 minutes to complete. Help us increase our impact by taking part today.
Take the survey

“RNID has given me a whole new purpose to my life.

I’ve been wearing hearing aids for seven and a half years. When I first started wearing them, it
was a miracle. The first sounds I noticed were birdsong, my coat rustling and how noisy it was in the supermarket.

“They are my lifeline. I couldn’t work without them or do the social things like sport and line dancing.

“Thanks to the support I’ve had from RNID, I’ve gained the confidence and knowledge to be able to advocate for the needs of people
like me with hearing loss.”

Linda, RNID Near You service user. Read more stories from the RNID community here.
Linda, an RNID support service user, stands outside by a dry stone wall, smiling at the camera.

Take the survey

Transform the future for deaf people, and people with hearing loss and tinnitus, by helping improve our gifts in Wills programme.

Leaving a gift to RNID

Gifts in Wills funds over two-thirds of our income and are vital to the work we do. Learn how you can leave a gift to RNID in your Will and how we’ll support you through the process.
Find out more

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