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Millions without ear wax services leading to risky self-management

A woman in her home typing into her laptop

8.1 million people in England have zero support available from the NHS if they need their ear wax removing. This postcode lottery of wax removal is forcing many to self-manage ear wax at home or go private, which many say they simply cannot afford.

A postcode lottery

Our new report has exposed a serious lack of progress on the availability of ear wax services in England, leaving 8.1 million with zero support and at risk of preventable hearing loss.

The research has revealed a postcode lottery across England, as almost half of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) – the commissioners of most NHS services – are still not providing wax removal services in line with public health guidelines.

In areas with zero service, people with ear wax build-up have no choice but to pay for private removal, which can cost up to £100 per session. With 1 in 10 people requiring ear wax removal three or more times per year, this can become prohibitively expensive.

An estimated 2.3 million people in the UK require professional ear wax removal every year. Older people, hearing aid users and people with learning disabilities are more likely to be at risk.

Our research has revealed the painful and distressing symptoms faced by people unable to access the necessary wax removal services. Nearly half experienced hearing loss, a third experienced earache, and a quarter developed tinnitus. Additionally, one in five reported poor mental health and feelings of isolation, whilst 1 in 10 had to take time off work as a result.

For many years, wax removal was available at GP surgeries, but our research shows that half of people with ear wax build-up have been forced to pay for ear wax removal services, with the majority doing so because of a lack of NHS services locally.

Dangerous self-management techniques

Without access to ear wax services, many people are also left to attempt ear wax removal at home.

Our survey has revealed the extent to which dangerous DIY self-management methods such as cotton buds and tweezers are used, despite the fact these methods are known to cause infection, ear canal or ear drum damage and permanent hearing loss.

We’re calling on the Government to ‘Stop the Block’

Our Stop the Block campaign is calling on the Government to urgently step-in to ensure everyone who needs wax removal can access it on the NHS. We’re calling on the Department of Health and Social care to:

  • Work with ICBs and ensure that everyone with a medical need for wax removal has free access to it, in-line with NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidance.
  • Publish improved patient information on the self-management of ear wax, so people can manage their wax safely from home, and ensure that GP surgeries share consistent, safe and evidence-based information with their patients. 

“I was isolated. I just felt like giving up”

Audrey Houghton, 70, from Biggleswade has had recurring ear wax build-up which affects her hearing since she started using hearing aids around 20 years ago.

Regular treatment at her local GP surgery helped manage the issue, but three years ago she was told the service was no longer available and to go privately. However, a bad experience with a private ear wax removal service made Audrey reluctant to go back for more treatment.

The impact on her life was significant. Watch our interview with Audrey.

Crystal Rolfe, Audiologist and RNID Director of Strategy, said:

“It is unacceptable that millions of people across England are still unable to access vital ear wax removal services from the NHS in their local area. Thousands are being forced endure painful and debilitating symptoms or resorting to costly private treatment – options that many simply cannot afford.

“Whilst some improvements have been made over the past year, they fall well short of what is needed. The pace of progress remains too slow and without clear national leadership, health inequalities will persist, leaving countless people without the care they require.

“We urge the Department of Health and Social Care to commission an urgent review to ensure that everyone who needs ear wax removal has access to local NHS services when they need them.”

Illustration of an ear with a 'no entry' red sign overlaid

Stop the block – demand better access

Help make ear wax removal services available across the UK for free, wherever you live. Join our campaign today.
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