Get the most from your hearing aids 1234567 Do you wear hearing aids? Yes Most of the time Some of the time No Are you thinking of getting hearing aids? Yes No Are you finding out about hearing aids for someone else? Yes No How long have you worn them? Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years More than 5 years How easy do you find it to use your hearing aids every day? Really easy Pretty easy Ok A bit of a challenge Quite difficult Which challenges do you face? Remembering to put them on Embarrassed to wear them Adjusting the volume Changing the batteries Physically putting hearing aids on Cleaning my hearing aids Poor sound quality Uncomfortable Hearing aids broken Would you like to take part in some research to help us improve how people with hearing aids get support? Yes No First name Last name Email address We’ll only use your details to contact you about this research project. You can find out more about how we process your information in our privacy policy.