Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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  3. Consent to take part in research

Consent to take part in research

This form will let us know that you agree to take part in this research. It will also give you control over the information you provide.

If you have questions, please email [email protected]

Your preferences during this research

We want the experience of taking part in research to be safe and comfortable for you.

During the interview

  • You can choose not to answer a particular question.
  • You can take a break if needed.
  • You can change your mind at any time.

Data collection and use 

  • We will collect your data via an interview using Microsoft Teams. During data collection, your identity will be known to the researcher(s). However, once collected, your data will be anonymised for analysis and reporting purposes. 
  • Your data will be used to help us improve our website. 
  • Your data will be stored securely in our SharePoint environment for 5 years before being deleted. Only the relevant project team members will have access to this data. You can read more about how we process and store your data in our privacy notice
  • You have the right to ask for your data to be deleted at any point before 15th January 2025 when we start composing our final report. 

What we will record

We will video record your interview.

  • Who can access this information

    We will share the recording with other people on this project.

  • Your decision to take part or not

Page last updated: 22 November 2024

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