Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

Research achievements

25 years of hearing research

An audiologist stands behind a patient, who sits on a chair. The audiologist is smiling and testing the patient's cochlear implant.

From collaborating on the UK’s first cochlear implant in the 1980s, to kick-starting a genetic test used in the NHS since 2023 to protect babies’ hearing, we’re making great impact and have long been pioneers in the field of hearing research.

We’ve been funding research into treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus since 2000. For every £1 we invest, the researchers we support obtain £2.74 of additional funding.

What we’ve achieved so far 

An illustration of an open book, showing lines of text and an image of a test tube.
  • Funded 443 research projects at 264 laboratories across 18 countries  
  • Invested over £28 million into hearing research projects 
  • Supported more than 80 early-career researchers in the UK to build their career in hearing research. 

Find out what else we’ve achieved in our Research Report (PDF, 2.7 MB)

Improving lives through research

Explore the impact you’ve helped us make and what we’re going to do next. 

The difference you make

By supporting our research, you’re helping us continue to achieve life-changing breakthroughs.

Donating to RNID is an incredibly generous thing to do, and I’ve seen first-hand how transformative donations can be in their hands. Scientists really do rely on funding from organisations like RNID – our work wouldn’t be possible without it – so thank you so much to anyone who has donated in the past or is considering donating now.”

– Dr Chris Hardy, University College London

Chris Hardy, hearing researcher. He stands in front of a white wall and smiles at the camera.

Donate to our research

For every £1 we invest in hearing research, researchers obtain an additional £2.74 of funding. Help us give hope for a better future by supporting this work today.
Donate to research

Page last updated: 6 February 2025

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