Thank you so much for fundraising for us! Here’s how to pay in you what you’ve raised online, by post, over the phone or through your bank.
If you’ve set up an online fundraising page through JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving, you don’t need to do anything – they’ll send the funds directly to us.
Through our website
- Visit our donate online page
- Select to give a “one time” gift of the amount you’ve raised.
- When you’re asked “What motivated you to donate?” select “Other” and in the box that appears type “Community fundraising” or the name of the event you’re taking part in.
Online banking
- Name of organisation: The Royal National Institute for Deaf People
- Account number: 01796505
- Sort code: 30-00-02
- Reference: Name and event (for example, J Smith Quiz night)
By visiting your bank
You can use the paying-in slip at your bank to transfer cash directly to our account, using the account details above.
If you’re sending us money through online banking or at the bank, please let us know so we can thank you!
Over the phone
Call 0808 808 0123 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and pay in the funds by credit or debit card. We also welcome calls through the Relay UK service.
By cheque
Please make your cheque payable to ‘RNID’ and send it to:
126 Fairlie Road
Please include a note to tell us what you did! We’d love to thank you for all your efforts, so if you’re happy for us to do this, please include your name and contact details.
If you have a sponsorship form, please include this as we may be able to claim Gift Aid to boost your fundraising total.