Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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Great North Run registration

The iconic half marathon will be on the streets of the North East on Sunday 7 September 2025.

Please let us know if you’d like to apply for one of our five available places by completing this form.

We will notify the successful applicants within 48 hours.

  • *We will use your email address to keep in touch about your fundraising event and to support you along the way. You can opt out of these communications at any time and find out more about how we protect your information by reading our privacy statement below.

  • Stay in touch by email

    We’d love to keep you up to date by email with the work we do and about related news, health information, appeals, membership, events, campaigns, products, research and volunteering by email.

    Would you like to receive this information from us by email in future?
  • How we protect your information

    Your personal details are incredibly important and we promise to use them to get in touch with you in the ways you prefer. We’ll never sell or swap your data and while, with your permission, our team may call, email or text you from time-to-time to thank you and encourage you to keep supporting our work, we will always do so with care and consideration.

    If you’d like to change how we communicate with you, or would like us to remove your details from our records, please email us at [email protected] or call 0808 808 0123.

    For further details on how we look after your information, please read our privacy policy.

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