Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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Our plan for 2024

Our plan for 2024

This is our action plan for the year ahead – what we want to achieve by spring 2025.

From lobbying to make hearing checks standard on the NHS, to improving inclusion for BSL users, we’re working with our communities to improve life for people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus.

Just some of the key projects we want to deliver in 2024/25

  • Launch the results of a major piece of new research into public attitudes and the lived experience of people who are deaf or have hearing loss in Deaf Awareness week (6-12 May) 
  • Grow our approach to delivering employability for our communities, including providing consultancy and technical expertise to companies 
  • Encourage innovation across audiology services to help make these vital services work for everyone who needs them 
  • Campaign for ear wax services to be re-instated across the UK 
  • Increase our profile as a research charity, pulling in expertise and resources to make faster progress towards life-changing treatments 
  • Expand the reach of Contact RNID by improving the information and support section of our website, enabling us to help 35,000 people in the year. 
  • Expand the reach of RNID Near You – our face to face support service – by opening in 50 new locations and increasing our existing reach by recruiting more amazing volunteers. 
  • Design new interventions to help our free online hearing check reach more people who experience health inequalities – with a new focus on deprived areas and continued work with ethnic minority groups. 
  • Expand and diversify our Research Panel of people with lived experience so that we can conduct more and better research to support all our work.

Page last updated: 14 May 2024

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