Download your free tinnitus guide today and discover tips to help you cope with tinnitus or learn how to support someone who has it. There is currently no cure for tinnitus – but with the right support, it’s possible to find ways to manage it.
RNID is here to help the many people that need support. Whether you or a loved one is struggling with tinnitus, we can give you the information and support you need.
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Managing tinnitus
Find some top tips and more information about tinnitus below.
“So, when I try to manage my tinnitus, when it’s particularly bad, I try to relax, to calm myself down – because anxiety can make the sound even worse. Just taking a few deep breaths to try and make it go away. It becomes a part of you, and it’s just something you have to cope with. Fortunately for me, I’ve accepted that, and it does get better.”
– Max, a friend of RNID who has tinnitus.

Tinnitus facts with Jamie Laing
TV personality Jamie Laing debunks some common misconceptions about tinnitus.