Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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Malcolm’s volunteering journey

Malcolm is a retired painter and decorator who volunteers with RNID in the Isle of Wight.

He has a busy family life, lots of hobbies and a keen interest in sport – he’s been a referee for nearly three decades, and even completed three London Marathons! – and goes the extra mile to support as many people with hearing loss as he can, in his community.

Malcolm’s volunteering journey with RNID started in 2015. Since then he has been performing different volunteer roles, visiting people in their homes to help them maintain their hearing aids, fitting equipment, providing useful information and supporting as much as he could.

“I always wanted to support people who are deaf or have hearing loss; I am well aware of the challenges faced by people with hearing loss, having been deaf since I was 3 years old – and undiagnosed until I was 7. That’s why I’ve always wanted to help others and give back to the community the support I received as a child.”

Our volunteer Malcolm (on the right) with our CEO, receiving the RNID “Perfect Partners” National Volunteer Award 2019 for the Isle of Wight Volunteer Team

Volunteering has certainly been a rewarding experience for Malcolm:

“I really enjoy being able to help people overcome problems with their hearing, as I can fully understand and appreciate their feelings”, he says.

Malcolm is passionate about volunteering and his experience with RNID is a real testimony of the positive impact and difference a volunteer can make to the life of someone living with hearing loss:

“The feeling of having helped someone by cleaning their blocked aids, or fitting equipment that will make their life better, is priceless. I once fitted a TV listener for a lady who had just lost her husband. I will never forget her tears of happiness when she realised that, after 3 years, she could finally hear the TV again.”

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